Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Return of the Grocery Bag!

Wow, it's really been 3 months hasn't it? But what a 3 months it has been! Much has changed in the life of our plucky hero, I moved out of my wife's parents house in the middle of January into a 3 bedroom apartment with two friends. I should at this point state that if it were not for both these fine gents, as well as the other assortment of friends who duck in and out of the apartment on a regular basis then I would have completely lost the plot. They rock.

The apartment is cool, I finally got to put up some paintings I bought back home from a very cool lady, I learned the ancient art of laundry, I keep my room tidy, I buy groceries, pay rent, I sleep on a mattress, but I bought a pretty neat computer desk.

I brought sexy back.

I have been learning how to cook, I made scrambled eggs for the first time in my life the other night, I made everyone little Cuban toasted sandwiches (minus the roast pork) tonight. Sure I burned stew a few weeks ago, but I have been enjoying myself in the kitchen. I never thought I would like cooking, but it would seem that I do.

I made new friends, and reconnected with some old ones.

I learned a lot of new stuff in work, the fact that I have a job that I genuinely enjoy going to everyday was a big factor in my decision to not simply high-tail it back to Belfast as soon my marriage was pulled out from under my feet.

I found out my green card may take as long as October to arrive, which sucks, but there isn't a thing I can do about it.

I thought about dating, a lot. Any fool can tell a girlfriend is the very last thing I need right now, but I'm not just any fool, I'm like some sort of magical super fool. And I did just go from being joined at the hip with someone to sleeping on a mattress (not that I don't like my mattress, its comfy) by myself.

Needless to say, Valentines day was rough on me.

I feel alright though, bills aren't so bad, I can eat well, I have enough left to but lots of CD's, I can save up for a guitar and a camera. I have good friends, a good job and for the first time I really feel like my life is my own.

If I could only figure out what to do about it.

By the way, did I mention that I brought sexy back?


Bryan said...

I told you this once and Ill say it again you did not bring sexy back and every time you quote Justin Timberlake you become a little more gay.

Bryan H said...

Crap, I thought you were gay. Just kidding, Chris. Glad to hear things are looking up.

x2speed said...

Of course you brought sexy back.
That's why Tom Cruise stole your dance moves for Tropic Thunder.