Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hancock (Spoilers!)

So I saw the much anticipated Hancock last night.

Will Smith, Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron all gave good performances, and between the 3 of them, they stopped the movie from sucking.

The story was so weak that I barely even noticed it hiding behind the special effects, it ends with no real satisfying resolution. The plot was unbelievably predictable, mostly thanks to the number of closeups on Theron's face looking worried and conflicted, and the retarded length of said closeups. Seriously. It was like they had a subplot about a camera that wanted to have sex with Charlize Theron.

As for the supervillain...

There isn't one.

Thats right.

A superhero move without a supervillain.

There is a villain, but he isn't much, just a criminal. The only background his character has is divulged by a newsreader in the background of one of the scenes, while other dialogue is taking place, and he seems to be in the movie for comic relief, only really menacing the characters in the closing scenes of the movie.

Oh, Back to the Future called. They want their running gag back.

All the bad stuff aside, the cast do give great performances, Smith makes you feel genuine sympathy for his struggling hero, Bateman is endearing as a down on his luck father trying to make the world a better place. Theron plays her part well, but is let down by a lack of chemistry with her co-stars.

I would rent it and save your 9 bucks for Batman, or Hellboy.

Grocery Bag must be stopped!

Painfully new to this, but everyone else is doing it, so it must be cool!

At times this blog will make no sense, but I'll try to keep the disjointed rambling to a minimum. It will consist mostly of rants (is there any other purpose for a blog?) and the occasional observation. I will try to keep the tone amusing, I have noticed lately that I can be a morose motherfucker sometimes. I am trying to avoid this.

Also, I will write about my cat.

And theres not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me.

Bye for now.